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January 19, 2014



beautiful collaborations! i love the idea of collaborating with other artists but i'm also a bit scared of it. did you notice any resistance in yourself to giving up control?


Hi Katie, Thank you for your comment. I think it is indeed a bit scary to work with others. And we weren't sure how it would unfold either. We all work differently but the wonderful part was that we all trust the creative process and have a similar relationship to its flow. I think this is a great exercise for any artists. We started in with a sense of letting go and just trusting the process no matter the outcome, personal feelings etc. We also had no rules other than if we wanted to keep something as is we needed to tell the others. Flora bowley will be diving into collar ideas more this year. It's a new concept for me as well! xoxox...

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Anahata Katkin

  • I am the founding artist of PAPAYA! and our flagship, PAPAYA! Living Boutique in Ashland, Oregon, USA. This is my persuit of creative abandon. I'm here to share my artwork, inspiration, travels and lifestyle. To learn more visit the tabs at the top of this blog. Xoxox...





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