Loving this beautiful reminder from Studio Muti!!! One can sometimes feel like their chasing a rainbow when trying to achieve your goals. And when success comes does it look the way you thought it would? Is the picture of your days the way it looked in your minds eye before it all began? "Success" is as elusive and as surprising as happiness itself and seems to wear many faces. It's a wild topic that I've been keeping my eye for a while and one I could discuss at length...But you get the idea.
(PAPAYA! Designer: Sarah Shearer) We're contemplating all sorts of favorite quotes today. I'm hosting our PAPAYA! design team at my home studio or what I like to call "Dept Ana". We're going to be doing some hand lettering and general craft-tastic behaviors. These ladies work so hard behind computers they need a creative rest at times. They are responsible for everthing from marketing materials to redesigning my artwork in to various projects like luxe totes, sticky note sets etc.
(PAPAYA! Designer: Ellen Newcomb) They help translate what I do into broader concepts. Isn't that cool! I used to dream about having support at PAPAYA! for years. I would absolutely throw fits every time I had to lay out another damn catalogue. I'm great at getting artwork made, but not so good at details! Having a design support team is a dream come true and very much the result of years of going it alone. Now I don't have to anymore and in my tenth year of building PAPAYA! the rainbow is getting closer. Xoxox...
Such an inspiration...and what wonderful ladies you must have! I hope some day I have a good team to help me that I can have over to my house for tea and crafts and play! Hope it was fun!!
Posted by: Hollie | May 01, 2013 at 05:21 AM