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March 14, 2008


Tiffini Elektra X

Wow - just amazing! Can not wait to see what you create from that find. Love - the picture that is showing!


Oooooh wow!! LOVE that album AND it was full of pics. Lucky girl:)


Love the album, even the colours and decoration on the front cover are divine, not to mention all the mysterious people inside. A real find!!!!


Oh my gosh- the cover on that album is to die for!! And in such perfect condition too, I never find anything that's not falling to pieces- luckily that's the way I like them!

I must ask, being new to your blog, do you use the actual antique photograph or do you make a copy of it? I only ask because my father and brother collect Victorian photography and to consider drawing on one violates the family moral code! I don't mind so much though, it gives them new life.


What a find !
I love the colours
Are all pages as beautiful as this one?
wish I could find such a fabulous treasure in France
Thank you for sharing your album as well as your "divine" creations

Jen crossley

What a Great find Love the front cover its just awesome Lucky Girl


wow ... that is devine

i love all your stuff. truly inspirational !!!


Wow! This is SOMETHING!!!!

Debrina Pratt

Oh wow! Yes, that is a great find! The album is a work of art in itself!


What a lovely find! They are difficult to come by when filled with pictures. Enjoy!

Sarah Keith

ooooh! That album is gorgeous! What a wonderful find!!!!!

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Anahata Katkin

  • I am the founding artist of PAPAYA! and our flagship, PAPAYA! Living Boutique in Ashland, Oregon, USA. This is my persuit of creative abandon. I'm here to share my artwork, inspiration, travels and lifestyle. To learn more visit the tabs at the top of this blog. Xoxox...





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